Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Movie Review

Is hip-hop about music,culture,or is it about degrading girls?In the movie Beats and Rhymes Byront Hurt describes all the negatives and positives on Hip-Hop.
"Beyond Beats and Rhymes" is a documentary on how Hip-Hop has different types of catergories,For example like in the documentary it explains how guys that cry are "bitches" are they really? No!!!! Also the movie talks about how mostly guys when they rap they talk about drugs,money,and girls.It really gives good information.
The documentary Has really good interviews.Also very imformative and good examples,I really liked the fat that they had many many different perspectives from different people.I really didnt like the fact that guys were talking baout how when girls dress a certain way they are hoes and they are prostitudes.I really didnt enjoy that.
The movie has really good information and hip-hop is trapped in a box.